
Insights from the Academic Director

A Matter of Balance

I am delighted to write a short opinion piece for the SVA website – the first of many I hope.

Recently I have been thinking a great deal about how we, as an educational institution of merit, create balanced experiences for our students of all ages, learning styles, abilities and aspirations.

This objective is far reaching, but we can begin by considering a few ways in which balance is present in every school day.

Balance can refer to the relationship in a lesson between times when a teacher holds the floor and provides guidance and those times when students express themselves through discussion and debate. It might be the balance of a healthy diet in the Academy’s restaurant, or the balance between academics and sports. It is the balance between the time spent teaching and the time spent testing (the first should be much greater than the second as a rule).

One thing is certain – that too much of one thing (imbalance if you will…) has been proven to be less effective than ratios which are essentially harmonious, or which offer different ingredients which, carefully designed and resourced, deliver benefits to all.

Let’s begin by considering one of the most basic characteristics of the Surya Varsani Academy – that we educate, without bias or favour, both boys and girls. During my career as a teacher and Principal I have experienced both single-sex and coeducational (mixed) schools, and my opinion is that boys and girls being educated together is the best format.


To partly answer this question we can imagine a mathematics lesson (although any subject will do in fact). A class of boys and girls is asked a question by the teacher. Immediately two boys put their hands in the air, desperate to answer. One after the other they offer answers which are incorrect. A little time passes before a girl raises her hand, is prompted by the teacher, and offers the correct answer.

This scenario does not demonstrate that girls are smarter than boys, but rather that girls tend to consider matters more carefully prior to speaking out. So boys can learn from the girls to take more time and reflect upon a question, arriving at a more considered (and correct) answer, rather than offer an immediate ‘knee jerk’ reaction.

But what can girls possibly learn from the boys? Simply this; to take risks within a secure environment, because in many learning situations boys will demonstrate great initiative and innovation which have no guarantee of success, but which often lead to excellent outcomes.

The experience of sharing these different approaches – reflection/consideration and the taking of risks – is beneficial to both boys and girls, and each gender gains from working alongside the other.

I believe that students like a varied and interesting school experience. This means a mixture of teaching styles. It means combinations of activities within a lesson which are carefully planned to engage the entire class, regardless of the individual differences present within it. It means balancing knowledge-based lessons like physics and mathematics with subjects where creative thinking is prioritised (art and design for example). It means understanding that all subjects require problems to be solved and material to be evaluated and analysed. It means experiencing new technology and, for example, traditional science experiments in the same day. It means at times having independent study, group work and whole class activities in one single lesson.

At the SVA it is our teachers who hold principal responsibility for ensuring that each student is completely ‘switched on’ for the duration of each lesson. Well planned, well paced lessons which involve the setting of a range of challenges should ensure that this occurs. Academic success surely follows as a consequence of each student developing a genuine love of learning.

This appreciation of the importance of learning, alongside the realisation that this process can also be great fun, is at the core of the objectives and methods at the Academy.

Mr. Martin Kennedy

Director, Surya Varsani Academy

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